Saturday, December 15, 2012

Puzzle Table Refinished

So we have moved, and I finally got Doug's puzzle table refinished with the "brilliant" idea that I had.

He wanted it to say the old bits and pieces part.

Our youngest daughter said it had to say together is dest (a misprint Christmas ornament that we got for our first Christmas together).

I was happy to find out the vinyl lady had puzzle shapes...although, the baby ones have messed with Doug...but he is happy to have his table out and is now working on his second puzzle here.

All is well.

*knock on wood*

A quick recap:

He sanded it down for me, since I have crappy joints...then I stenciled in the black paint he had picked out...

Took the vinyl off and the black paint was perfect!  But...the vinyl pulled up some of this incredibly pricey table's wood...that's sarcasm...but we hoped that the stain and top coat would smooth it all down... 

So I started to stain with the stain he had picked out.  Got a few drops on the floor outside of the newspapers I had laid down...whoops...

Unfortunately, the rough spots were noticeable.  And you could feel them.  Which may be acceptable for an old table sitting off somewhere and not used, but not acceptable for a table that will be used for puzzles.  Where hands will be all over it on a regular basis.  So I tried lightly sanding them down.  Then got very frustrated because that wasn't working.  Then walked away for a few days before I went to town on the entire thing.  Cooled off, then got busy with taking care of business and NOT taking everything off.

Ended up liking the way it looked after putting a layer of stain on...didn't want to go over the sanded parts with another coat, gave the table some our opinion...well, my opinion.  Doug just wanted to puzzle.  So got some clear stuff out and put a few coats on and voila!

Doug's puzzle table!

And this is where it is...this is where he puzzles.  With his rescued cuckoo clock.  Don't know what we'll do with that bare wall yet, but...I'm happy with the table.

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